Decluttering to Create a Stress-Free Home

Clutter is an inevitable part of every home. However, some homes have more clutter than others. Whether it’s piles of paper, laundry, miscellaneous items, or mail, clutter can slowly take over a space while also elevating stress levels. Because of clutter's slow accumulation, clearing the clutter — and keeping it clean — can be an overwhelming household task. So if you feel stressed in your home, clutter may be to blame. Read on for more insight into the impact of clutter and how to reduce it to create a stress-free space.

The impact of clutter

Clutter can drain your energy, increase stress, and decrease your available time. If your home is filled with clutter, you spend more time searching for the items you use regularly. Items such as keys, sunglasses and wallets can become more challenging to find, and the time you spend looking for them can accumulate.

Suppose you have piles of paper in your office or kitchen counter. In that case, clutter can result in losing track of important documents and bills that need to be paid, resulting in late fees and additional administrative work.

Additionally, you may buy more if you need help finding particular items. After sorting through the clutter, you’ll find the items you misplaced and end up with multiple of the same item.

Lastly, clutter can make everything feel more difficult. For example, if you have company over, it may take longer to prep your house, as you find yourself decluttering instead of preparing food and leisurely getting ready. Or, simply navigating through a room may feel heavier and more draining, as the clutter serves as a visual reminder of all that needs to be done. 

A home should be a sanctuary and peaceful landing spot for you and your family after a long day. However, if your living spaces are filled with clutter and miscellaneous items, it can become frustrating, resulting in exhaustion and stress.

How to reduce clutter

While eliminating clutter entirely is unrealistic, there are ways to keep it at bay so that you can live in an orderly and calming space. Different strategies work for different people, so consider the ways to clear your clutter below.


Working through one room at a time, sort the items into things to donate, throw away, keep and file away. Aim to have the donate and throw away piles be the largest piles. For the items you’re keeping, ensure each item has a designated place to display or store it. Make it a point to finish one room before decluttering the next one.

30-minute decluttering

If a large decluttering session is too overwhelming, spend 30-minutes at a time organizing different spaces. Then, as the mess lessens, you may feel more motivated to finish each space.

Make it beautiful

Ince the clutter is cleared, add decorative elements such as candles, framed photos, art, or style a vignette. This freshly cleared space that is also newly decorated will inspire you to keep the area looking nice.

Maintaining a clutter-free zone

To keep your home clutter-free, spend 10 minutes every day clearing off surfaces and putting the items where they need to be, whether that is thrown out, donated or put in a specific spot. For larger items, if you bring home something new, get rid of something you already have. Focus on making your clutter-free space beautiful, and host family and friends to share your refreshed home.


Clothing is notorious for taking up valuable space in closets and drawers. Assess your coat closets, mudroom storage, clothing closets, and bedroom drawers to eliminate the items you haven’t worn in one year that no longer fit or don’t love. Divide these items by pieces you can consign, donate, or throw out.

Decor items

Home decor pieces tend to accumulate in a home, as it’s more common to add items to collections and move them around, then remove and eliminate them. Assess the pieces throughout your home, and if they no longer resonate with you, bring you joy, or align with the rest of your home’s decor style, put them in a pile to donate.


Books, especially children’s books, are a treasure throughout the home. However, they can also be cumbersome and take up a lot of space. Review the children’s books in your home, and donate the books they’ve outgrown. Also, review your collection of paperbacks and other fiction and non-fiction books, keep the books that are a meaningful part of your home library, and donate the ones you’re ready to part with.

Kitchen gadgets and small appliances

Kitchen drawers can become bottomless holes if you don’t regularly assess the items and clear them out. Remove the items from your kitchen drawers so you can see what you have. Throw out items that are broken or have missing parts, and donate items that are in good condition but you no longer use. Also, remember to review the contents of your mug and glassware cabinets, and only keep the pieces you use regularly or have genuine sentimental value.

Toys and games

If you have children in your home, the rooms can quickly become overrun with children’s toys, games, and other items if you don’t stay on top of these items regularly. The beginning of the new year is an excellent time to purge the toys your children have outgrown, no longer play with, or have broken or missing parts. This helps clear space in your home and creates an environment where they can learn and play more easily.

Refrigerator and pantry

Clearing out your refrigerator and pantry is a highly satisfying way to begin the new year. Throw out anything expired, or donate non-perishable items that don’t align with any New Year’s health goals you’ve set for yourself.

A blank slate is fulfilling any time of year, but beginning the new year in a home that feels orderly, clean, and calm can be especially gratifying.


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